Hello there, been a while. This picture, yeah the one right above this text, is pretty cool in my opinion. Just to see how bright everything is in the US and where everyone is. Ever since I went to Boston a few years ago with my school orchestra, I've been thinking how cool it would be to live in a big city on the east coast. Like Boston or New York City. Anyone live in a big city? Is it nice to have all of those other people around?
Then there is the country. Wide open spaces full of beauty and amazing things. No people around you. All of the privacy that you could want with almost as many trees as there are stars. Could have as many horses as anyone could dream of. That also something that I would really like. To live where there is hardly anyone around. All I would do is probably ride horses all day.
Oh, it has been a long few days. As weird as it sounds, I have been eating more that I typically do. Not normal for me. Maybe it is just the whole summer thing? But still, even though I say that I have been eating more than normal that doesn't necessarily mean a lot. Even eating more than normal for me, that is a normal persons "not eating a lot". I'm just weird in that way.
Well I hope that everyone has a great next few days. I will try to update more, but I may be going up north for the weekend. Lova ya!
"The question isn't, who is going to let me; the question is, who is going to stop me."
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