Sorry for the few days without a post. Kinda busy.
I am in the colorguard at my school and we had a mini camp for the past three days. Of course on the first day I got the worst sunburn of my life. Jinxed myself by saying that I never burn. But it was definatly fun. Got to see all of my friends for the last time that I will see them until August.
Anyone here a dancer? Just wondering. I love dancing and such. That feeling that you get when you can go into your own little world and feel completely at home. People can just look at you and see your emotions pouring from your movement. There are no questions and no wondering, just you moving through space. It is truely beautiful.
Was wondering yesterday if some people even cared about somethings. Or about me. So I decided that I would ask. They said that they did... To bad I had a hard time believe that what they said was true. So I guess that this is just one of those times where I'm going to have to wait it out and see what happens.
"And just like iPods, hearts all over the world are being played."
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