Well today has been an okay day =] It was the last day of school. Proud to say that I did not fail any exams even in Honors Bio!
Going to go up north soon. I really need some time to think. Have you just ever need time to think and not have anyone around you? To just sit in the peace and quiet of nature and let your mind be free. Also have you ever needed a time when you aren't tired? I realize that I don't sleep that much anyways but still? Maybe a little bit more sleep that three hours a night could do me some good?
Also never again shall I trust a person like I did before. All they are going to do it break you and hurt you. And I know that sometime the pain is worth it. But this time it was truely pointless. This person did nothing to really help me. They said that they changed and then they go right back to the way that they were before. So I hope that this person won't miss me...because I don't need that in my life. I just need some calm in the middle of this storm.
Have a great day everyone =] I will be back either late Saturday or Sunday.

"I wish I could forget you like you forgot me"
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