I am very sorry. It has been awhile.. oops. I've just been very tired lately. Lots of stuff going on because it is summer and all.. ya know? Does anyone even read this? Well whatever I don't mind. Its just a fun things to be able to put what I do onto.
So I shall go into more detail tomorrow but at the moment I feel like I'm going to die from lack of sleep =P Just kiddinggg.
One of my good friends had a party tonight. Personally it was the most interesting one yet. Can't wait for the next one. Its like... you know you had a really good time when you can't tell your parentals what you did. Does anyone else like parties like that?? I'm not talking like booze and such... just having so much random crazy fun that you know if you told your parents they would think that you are crazy, or down right stupid.
Well good night! Love you all. I hope that you all have fantastic days =]=]
"Which is worse: the heart breaker that won't stop calling or the broken hearted that keeps picking up?"
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